On the way to Burlington
Bro. George preaching
Pastor Kenny Godair
Altar shot from the platform
Another altar shot
Chior practicing after service
We left Newport today and headed to Burlington to be in service tonight at the World of Pentecost with Pastor Godair. We arrived to a very comfortable room several hours before service. Bro. George decided to "take rest", while I tried to run off some of the food we have eaten over the last several days. I am not sure how much good I did though. We then got ready for service and arrived at church at 7:00 p.m. for prayer. Bro. George, Bro. Godair and myself went into the office around 7:20 and talked for a few minutes before heading out for service. It was neat to see people come together on a Wednesday night with such enthusiasm and desire. Pastor Godair handed the service over to Bro. George before 8:00 p.m. and then we had some church. Bro. George was a little tired to begin with, but then about 15-20 minutes into it, it was all over him. He was running, dancing, and preaching like a young man. The church was praising, dancing, and having a good time. He preached on increasing our faith for the miraculous. The power of God was very strong and evident there. He stopped around 8:40 to allow time for God to move and did He ever! What an awesome service! Loved being in Burlington and seeing some old friends!
Looks like fun!